La gratitude des roses d’argent


Tatiana Rumyantseva et Dominique Pataut CO-RMs du programme Travail du Sexe en Russie

Tatiana Rumyantseva et moi souhaitons partager avec vous ce courrier, reçu de notre partenaire Irina Maslova, fondatrice et directrice de la seule organisation communautaire de travailleur(se)s du sexe en Russie, Silver Rose (Серебная Роза).

Pour celles et ceux qui ne connaissent pas notre programme, nous avons engagé un partenariat avec Silver Rose et la fondation Shagui depuis cinq ans, afin de développer un programme de mobilisation communautaire et de prévention auprès des TdS à Moscou, couplé à un plaidoyer au niveau national russe pour la dé criminalisation du travail du sexe en Russie. 

Aucun d’entre nous n’a sollicité ce témoignage de gratitude. Il nous va d’autant plus droit au cœur que les choses n’ont pas été évidentes d’emblée dans la mise en place et le développement de ce partenariat. 

Le temps est l’élément fondamental de la construction d’une confiance mutuelle : un temps actif, exact contraire de la routine, conjugué à notre capacité d’adaptation, aux occasions de vérifier la communauté de nos objectifs et de nos combats, aux actions concrètes menées ensemble et à leurs effets.

Le positionnement clair et courageux de l’association sur le travail du sexe y a contribué grandement. 

Les remerciements d’Irina ne vont donc pas qu’à l’équipe mettant en œuvre ce projet, mais à l’ensemble des acteurs de l’association qui, à tous les niveaux, l’ont rendu possible.

Et là, c’est nous qui vous disons à toutes et à tous un grand MERCI!

Tatiana Rumyantseva et Dominique Pataut CO-RMs du programme Travail du Sexe en Russie


Irina Maslova, fondatrice et directrice de Silver Rose

“Medecins du Monde” is one of the most important actor that supports sex workers in the world. “Medecins du Monde” gives priority to health, HIV and violence prevention, community empowerment, and decriminalization of sex workers worldwide. This professional and dedicated work gives the opportunity to change for the better the lives and improve the well-being of sex workers. This partnership is invaluable and strengthens the potential of both parties to promote human rights and evidence-based HIV/STI prevention programs with sex workers. “Medecins du Monde” decision to start in 2015 and to continue its programs in Russia was a key moment for the sex worker community and associations to develop partnerships with state and non-state organizations in the country. The experience of “Medecins du Monde”, your impeccable reputation, your attitude towards people are the key to high-quality and effective programs. 

Silver Rose, the movement of sex workers and those who support us to protect health, dignity and human rights, expresses its gratitude to “Medecins du Monde”, all staff at the headquarters, and I would like to mention each of the employees of the Moscow office:

Igor Rudenok, administrative coordinator in the Russian Federation, always actively helps with issues of finance, reporting, and filling out of documents. Igor is always in touch, always contributes to the training of financial and accounting skills. This helps our community-based organization to be sustainable and to improve our professional level.

Olga Maximov, general coordinator in the Russian Federation, is the most open, attentive and sensitive coordinator with whom we have managed to work for many years. Olga actively supports initiatives from Silver Rose. We are grateful for the survey with Shagui in 2018, results of which we actively use to promote the need for evidence-based HIV/STI prevention programs. And we thank for the opportunity to conduct Silver Rose study in 2019 on the well-being of sex workers, that allowed us to have a deeper comprehensive look at our lives, not limited to our health! Olga’s sensitivity to the needs of the community, acceptance of initiatives and human support are the basis for the development of the sex workers community in Russia.

Svetlana Tsukanova, program manager in Russia, is a specialist of the highest professional level, who understands the situation in the country and regions, knows and promotes human rights. Her initiatives to engage sex workers peers have resulted in high-quality IEC materials, support for initiatives to promote Pep, and HIV testing of clients who use sex workers services.

Thanks to “Medecins du Monde”, Silver rose continues its work, which makes the life of sex workers slightly better, allows people to acquire leadership skills, promote human rights, and resolve issues of violence.

With respect and appreciation to our partners in Paris and Moscow.



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