“Do we really practice what we preach?”


Les Solidays sont une occasion de faire la fête, de se lâcher, mais aussi de réfléchir à nos engagements personnels. C’est le message que la chanteuse germano-nigériane Nneka, dont je suis un fan absolu, a tenu à faire passer lors de son concert aux Solidays où j’étais bénévole pour MdM.

“We try, you know, to bring things down to solidarity, et on est là pour célébrer cette fête, mais aussi…  to raise awareness about what is happening around the world, you know, not just to celebrate, and drink and go nuts. I just want to remind you that you’re part of one entity, of one body, and that you’re needed, for this system to function, for this all entity to function, you are needed and it concerns you. So If I am hurt, you’re hurt too, and since we’re part of that one body, we must function together. What I am trying to say is that, we’re all here talking about solidarity but these days, to speak about peace has become fashion, fashionable to talk about revolution, fashionable to talk about love. But do we really practice what we preach? Do we really know what we’re talking about? I’m just trying to share with you… je ne fais pas une grande présentation ici aujourd’hui, je n’essaye pas de juger le monde parce que je me juge moi-même, je commence avec moi-même et c’est ça le réflexe. Tout ce qu’il se passe ici, c’est dans ma tête et je partage ça avec vous. Exactly! So what I am trying to say is that you are needed to start any change in this life, you are needed, you are responsible, you have your own individual responsibility! Yes we can point fingers on political leaders! Yes we can point fingers on religious crisis and things that are happening! But we too need to be involved by starting with the little things, starting with your family members, starting with your friends, starting with your cousin, starting right here, right now. And I’m not talking, I mean it! C’est juste une petit idée.”

Film et retranscription par Jérémy Da Costa


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