If you’re contemplating the meaning of commitment, if you want to understand the history of our beautiful organisation, if you need to be supported by our initiatives, if you’re a member, employee or a volunteer,this travel logbook is for you.
It will take you across oceans, seas and deserts into the heart of the MdM world… Come on in and discover our struggles and our testimonies.Open it up, follow the compass. Let’s see where the wind takes you.

Community Travel Logbook
To receive the printed version: vie.associative@medecinsdumonde.net
Welcome aboard ! preface of Philippe de Botton
I’m committing to this in order to
Making the world a better place both here and elsewhere
En route for our programmes
Updates from the field
I want to be a member of Médecins du Monde
How Médecins du Monde is structured
Governance of operational projects
A ship sailed by a complementary crew
Working together to build up our community spirit
An international network
They know how to say it better than we do
The Community Spirit within MdM
The travel logbook helps people to understand the values and the model of our association as well as how we operate. It is aimed at all stakeholders of Doctors of the World: members of staff, volunteers, interns and temporary staff at the HQ, in France or elsewhere in the world. People become part of the MdM community as soon as they devote some of their time to our association. We, together, are what keeps MdM going, no matter our status, our job title, our location or the duration of our commitment to the association.
This logbook is easy to use and understand, and is thus, notably aimed at newcomers to our association. It is part of the MdM Community Unit’s efforts to “build up knowledge about our community spirit” under the key area of “promoting commitment and activism”. The logbook was presented to management in July 2020 and was approved by the executive committee on 18 September.
Why did we choose a sailing theme for the logbook?
We wanted to refer to the Ile de Lumière ship and to all the other humanitarian vessels sailing the seven seas as well as reminding the readers of the migrants who cross the seas. Furthermore, the members of the MdM community come from different backgrounds, professions and countries.
Who helped draft this document?
Our community executives, our directors, heads of units, project managers, coordinators from the board, the communication department, people from the French and the international programmes, people from HR and people from the Community Unit: Alice, Amélie, Aude, Bernard, Coraline, Fanny, Géraldine, Hortense, Isabelle, Jonathan, Lucien, Marc, Nicolas, Patrick, Philippe, Valerie and Olivia our external editor.
The most difficult part of the logbook was trying to create a ‘simple’ diagram to illustrate how we operate.
We unfortunately can’t launch the logbook at a special event but it will be presented to everyone in the Friday News as well as to the geopolitical/France groups and at a meeting of the National Advisory Council. Printed copies will be sent out to the chapters and to the international missions and will also be distributed at the Welcome to MdM integration course (BAM).
Please feel free to share the logbook without moderation.