Evolution du contexte dans la région du Sahel (Nord Burkina) et adaptation de nos interventions
Anne Cheyron, Responsable de Desk- Burkina Faso et Tanzanie
« Caravanes de migrants » centraméricain (Honduras, Salvador, Guatemala)
Romain Lejeune, Responsable de Desk- Palestine, Mexique, Colombie

Migrant David Fonseca (C), from Honduras, chills out as he takes a lift in the back of a truck together with other migrants during their journey towards the United States, in Villa Comaltitlan, Mexico, January 20, 2019. REUTERS/Alexandre Meneghini
Migrant David Fonseca (C), from Honduras, chills out as he takes a lift in the back of a truck together with other migrants during their journey towards the United States, in Villa Comaltitlan, Mexico, January 20, 2019. REUTERS/Alexandre Meneghini
(c) David Fonseca