Associative Project


Le projet associatif

Proyecto Asociativo

Doctors of the World – Médecins du Monde associative project is being presented to you.

On March 14, the Board approved the associative project which will be submitted to vote in the General Assembly on May 30, 2015.

Read it !

It is the result of 18 months of reflection, debates, exchanges… It states our principles and values… It tells what our wishes and our vision are… It commits us to the future.

Read it !

Because in some weeks’ time, you will be invited to give your opinion on the associative project : full members will vote during the GA and non-members (volunteers, salaried employees with a French contract, national  employees) will be consulted via e-mail.

Read it !

Take your time to read it , to discuss it with your team, to make it yours.

Several documents are at your disposal :


For those who missed the previous episodes : the provisional version and your contributions  are still on line


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