2023 Activity Report of the Médecins du Monde Foundation


Version Française

Women’s rights remain severely violated worldwide. Only 44% of partnered women are able to make decision over healthcare, sex or contraception. Each year, 287,000 women die from pregnancy or childbirth complications. One in three women experiences physical or sexual violence in her lifetime.
Faced with these intolerable realities, the Médecins du Monde Foundation relentlessly fights for the health and dignity of the most vulnerable women.

This fight is more crucial than ever

Catherine Giboin, President of the Médecins du Monde Foundation

As the backlash movement rises and hard-won women’s rights are challenged, feminist associations, at the forefront, see their fight threatened while they are desperately lacking funding, with a median budget of only 30,000 dollars. Less than 1% of Official Development Assistance is allocated to them.

Thanks to your generosity, we already support 14 of these associations, such as LEARN in Afghanistan, Culture and Free Thought in Gaza, or SEMA helping survivors of violence in Ukraine. However, the scale of the challenges calls for always going further.

Your unwavering commitment remains key to enabling these associations to continue their indispensable action for women’s empowerment.

Catherine Giboin, President of the Médecins du Monde Foundation

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Summary : 

Partie I : Editorial

Partie II : Higlights

Partie III : Ongoing Funded Projects

 – Afia Mama
 – Causa Justa Culture and Free Thought Association
 – Coalition CGND
 – Scientific Day of Médecins du Monde
 – Learn Afghan
 – Paloma
 – Humanitarian Alternatives
 – Roses d’Acier
 – SEMA Ukraine – ADDP
 – Silver Rose

Partie IV : The Foundation

 – Our Mission
 – Our Executive Committee

Partie V : Donate


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